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Q & A: Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants

Q. I have wanted to enhance my barely B-cup breasts for a long time. I finally made up my mind to have surgery, but now I don’t know whether to have silicone or saline implants. Which one is better?
A. You can achieve beautiful, natural-looking breasts with both types of implants but there are certain factors to consider when making your decision. Some important facts about your options are listed below.

Both saline and silicone implants are safe and FDA-approved. If you have health concerns, rest assured that the FDA has cleared both types for cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, and thousands of women safely get implants every year.

Saline implants require smaller incisions. Silicone implants are inserted pre-filled at their full size, and so your surgeon may have to make a larger cut to accommodate them. Saline are empty when inserted, and then filled via tube during the surgery. However, the incisions for both procedures are usually completely hidden even under the smallest of bikini tops.

Saline may be better to correct uneven breasts. It is very common to have one breast smaller or larger than the other. If you desire an implant to make a smaller breast match the larger, you may want to opt for saline, because your surgeon can very precisely fill the implant to match your other breast.

Silicone feels more natural. When it comes to simple touch, it’s hard to beat the feel of a silicone implant. Many women make the decision based on this factor alone, because the soft feel of a silicone implant is so close to that of a “natural” breast.

Silicone looks more natural. Because of the density of the silicone, many women feel that silicone breasts give a more natural appearance, especially when leaning forward.

Saline is more natural. Saline implants are made of exactly what they sound like—sterile salt water. Some of our patients feel more comfortable with saline implants as a result. If your implants were to rupture, your body would simply absorb the liquid naturally. However, today’s implants are very unlikely to rupture and silicone implants are safe even if they do crack.

Silicone implants are less likely to ripple. Because of the thick, gel-like consistency of the silicone, you are less likely to see rippling or distortion than with saline. However, you can minimize the chances of this happening with saline implants by choosing a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has successfully performed many breast augmentations.

To determine the best type of implant for you, we recommend you come in for a complimentary personal consultation. One of our award-winning, board-certified cosmetic surgeons, Dr. Carey Nease and Dr. Chad Deal, will discuss your aesthetic goals with you.

We will also share before and after pictures using both types of implants, and address any questions you might have. We are committed to helping you make the right choice to achieve your desired goal. Download the below resource for the top questions about breast augmentation below. Or, too schedule your free personal consultation, please call Southern Surgical Arts at 423-266-3331.