Chest Reshaping for Him
Consultations offered at our four convenient locations in Calhoun, GA, Chattanooga, TN, Ooltewah, TN and Blueridge, GA
Chest Reshaping for Him

Looking great and feeling great are the twin pillars of happiness. When your confidence swells, it affects your outward appearance, and vice versa. But if oversized breasts disrupt one’s appearance and/or identity, they may cause him to turn inward.
Having localized fat or glandular tissue in a man’s chest can make him feel incredibly self-conscious, even to the point of avoiding intimacy and recreational activities to hide his condition. Even in cases where the excess tissue is due to genetics and not obesity, the inevitable comparison of a man’s chest to that of a woman can be disheartening.
Our board-certified cosmetic surgeons at Southern Surgical Arts are especially talented at body contouring. Using a laser-assisted liposuction technology called SmartLipo™, they remove fat from beneath the skin’s surface and reshape the underlying tissue.
The result is a slimmer and better-looking physique so that you can feel more at ease and enjoy an active lifestyle. To learn more about the benefits of male breast reduction surgery in Chattanooga, Ooltewah, or Calhoun, Georgia, please contact our offices.
- 1 Chest Reshaping for Him
- 2 Before and After Photos
- 3 What Is Gynecomastia?
- 4 Benefits of Body Contouring
- 5 Eligible Candidates
- 6 Private Consultation in Chattanooga, Tennessee or Georgia
- 7 Preparation
- 8 Procedure
- 9 Healthy Recovery
- 10 Transformative Results
- 11 Complementary and Alternative Procedures
- 12 FAQ
- 13 References
Before and After Photos
What Is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by enlargement of breast tissue in men. To address oversized male chests, surgeons can skillfully remove unwanted fat and glandular tissue. If a patient’s gynecomastia has expanded his skin, the surgeon can also remove excess skin as part of his breast reduction procedure.[1]
Causes of Gynecomastia
Many boys experience dramatic fluctuations in their bodily proportions during puberty. Everyone has a mix of hormones surging through them, and these hormones are a signature blend of androgens and estrogen. Androgens are male-associated sex hormones and estrogen is associated with females. During puberty, the balance between estrogen and androgens may shift suddenly, resulting in an abundance of female hormones. This can contribute to the enlargement of male breasts.

While many boys grow into their bodies as they mature out of puberty, some men continue to present enlarged chests into their adult years. The issue can become even more pronounced during andropause, which is the male version of menopause. As men age, they produce less testosterone. The imbalance of hormones may result in the growth of breast tissue.
Drug use can also contribute to gynecomastia. Methamphetamines and steroids, in particular, can trigger surges of estrogen that spur the enlargement of male breasts.
Regardless of the root causes of gynecomastia, it is a very common condition. Scientists estimate that over 10% of men worldwide have experienced enlarged breast growth at some point in their lives.[2] Some of these incidents are temporary, while others persist for years, or even decades.
To discuss your individual experience with gynecomastia and strategize a solution, please contact Southern Surgical Arts.
Benefits of Body Contouring
The most obvious benefits of gynecomastia surgery are the immediate physical changes facilitated by the procedure. Men enjoy a more rugged shape, flatter silhouette, and overall increased masculine dimensions.
But there is also a wellspring of psychological benefits associated with male breast reduction. Men who experience gynecomastia surgery can go to the beach or change in the locker room with added confidence. They no longer have “man boobs” to conceal, and their insecurities are often removed alongside their excess chest tissue.
Eligible Candidates
Ideally, a chest reshaping candidate should be a non-smoking male between 18 and 65 years of age who is in good health and desires to reduce the fat and tissue in his chest. Individuals who are at a stable weight are excellent candidates, as rapid fluctuations may affect the outcome of breast reduction surgery.
The knowledgeable doctors at Southern Surgical Arts can assess your eligibility for gynecomastia surgery during your comprehensive consultation. Please call (888) 988-5682 to schedule your appointment.
Private Consultation in Chattanooga, Tennessee or Georgia
Southern Surgical Arts exemplifies teamwork and variation. Our staff members are the epitome of dedication and expertise, and together we add up to a supportive, cohesive family. Drs. Chad Deal, Daniel Barker, and Vincent Gardner bring years of experience to the operating table. But even more impressive than their résumés: their ability to listen.

We want to hear from you. Tell us about your frustrations with gynecomastia so we can formulate a better future. Please be prepared to share your medical history so we can get to the root causes of your enlarged male breast tissue. After all, communication is the first step towards improvement.
In the spirit of great communication, we regularly update our blog. Take a look, drum up whatever questions you may have, and bring them with you to the consultation. We are eager to engage in a conversation about your ideal proportions. Together, we can shape your chest to reflect the man you really are.
During your consultation, your medical team will provide you with detailed instructions to prepare you for breast reduction surgery. These may include the need to quit smoking and stop taking certain blood-thinning medications. Your directions will be tailored to your unique needs and anatomy, so please follow them closely.
When you arrive on the day of your procedure, our staff will make you feel at home. We will review the details of your surgery and make sure you are comfortable to proceed. Your surgeon will mark your skin to indicate the incision points and discuss where tissue is being removed and/or excised.

You will receive the appropriate anesthesia to keep you safe and subdued throughout the breast reduction process. One you are sufficiently relaxed, your surgeon will conceal his incisions and access the tissue to begin his liposuction technique.
Not all liposuction methods are created equal. At Southern Surgical Arts, we have perfected a wide array of approaches, applying the right one to each unique case. For instances of gynecomastia, we have determined that SmartLipo is the best course of action. SmartLipo employs lasers to liquefy thin layers of fat for easy removal. This technique is far more selective than other modes of liposuction, which are designed to remove large pockets of fat along the abdomen or thighs, for example. With SmartLipo, the surgeon can skillfully reduce the size of male breasts without dramatically changing the shape of the patient’s overall look.
If the chest is extensively enlarged, the reduction procedure may also entail skin removal and glandular excision. Your ideal approach will be discussed during the consultation process.
Healthy Recovery
A trained clinician will monitor your progress immediately following your procedure. Once you are ready to go home, we will hand over the reins to your appointed caregiver. The caregiver must drive, since you are not allowed to operate a motor vehicle while recovering from sedation.
Please follow your doctor’s instructions regarding bandages and cleaning protocols. Do not irritate the incision areas and please avoid exertion in the two weeks following surgery. You may be supplied with compression garments and ice packs to speed up the swelling reduction process. If you require a follow-up visit, our team will be eager to welcome you back and celebrate your success.
Transformative Results
Southern Surgical Arts has assembled the best medical staff in Tennessee, Georgia, and beyond. Patients travel from all over to benefit from our precision and dedication. One look at our rave reviews will prove that we put our patients’ needs first. We are excited to add you to our growing list of happy, healthy clients.
Complementary and Alternative Procedures
Gynecomastia treatment can give new life to men struggling with the look and feel of enlarged chests. To address concerns of unwanted fat and lax skin in other areas of the upper body, you may want to consider an arm lift at Southern Surgical Arts. Your doctor can remove excess flab to contour your ideal biceps. Now you can flex your rugged physique for all the world to see!
To extend the benefits of body contouring to the rest of your torso, VASER liposuction is a fantastic option. The concentrated sound waves loosen stubborn fat along the abdomen to showcase your six-pack abs.
How Much Does Male Breast Reduction Cost?
Southern Surgical Arts provides the best body contouring options at the right price. Beginning at $5,600, the cost of chest reshaping includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia costs, facility fees, supplies, and all routine follow-up visits. We offer several financing options to make sure your surgical needs are not eclipsed by your budgetary concerns.
Is Gynecomastia Surgery Permanent?
Nothing in life is permanent. Breast reduction surgery will remove unwanted fat cells for good, but other fat cells in the body are still susceptible to growth due to weight gain or drug use. To maintain the results of your gynecomastia surgery, be sure to live a healthy lifestyle. Please contact Southern Surgical Arts to learn more about the benefits of male breast reduction.
- Teimourian, B., Perlman, R. (1983). Surgery for gynecomastia. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 7, 155–157.
- Dornellas de Barros, A., Sampaio, M. (2012). Gynecomastia: physiopathology, evaluation and treatment. Sao Paulo Medical Journal. 130(3):1516-3180.
- Bannayan, G. A., Hajdu, S. I. (1972). Gynecomastia: Clinicopathologic Study of 351 Cases. American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 57(4)431–437.