Lip Augmentation
Consultations offered at our four convenient locations in Calhoun, GA, Chattanooga, TN, Ooltewah, TN and Blueridge, GA
Kiss Thin Lips Goodbye

Lip augmentation is a procedure to add luscious fullness to lacking lips. The shape and outline of the lips is often one of the most important features when a woman regards her own face in the mirror. Although the aging process will alter the look and appeal of the lips, making them thinner, there are several alluring options available to help meet your desired goals.
Southern Surgical Arts (SSA) is the best aesthetic center of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Northern Georgia. We serve the Southeast with the finest in cosmetic services. Contact us to get the full, pouty lips you’ve always wanted. Call our office at (888) 988-5682 to schedule a consultation. Our staff can’t wait to meet you!
SSA’s new Virtual Consultations are now available to accommodate the needs of our diverse clientele.
- 1 Kiss Thin Lips Goodbye
- 2 About
- 3 Benefits
- 4 Who Is a Good Candidate for Lip Augmentation?
- 5 Your Private Consultation at Southern Surgical Arts
- 6 Filler Options for Lips
- 7 Aftercare Instruction
- 8 Bountiful Results
- 9 How Much Does Lip Augmentation Cost in Tennessee?
- 10 Amplify Your Kisses with Lip Augmentation
- 11 FAQ
- 12 References
Lip augmentation restores fullness to the lips to achieve a balanced and natural appearance. The results may be a long-lasting or temporary solution, depending on our procedural approach.[1] Either way, it will volumize your kisses and provide you with the plump look that has become so popular with celebrities, starlets and social media influencers.
Lip augmentation’s permanence is entirely up to you. At SSA, we use dermal fillers to provide you with a temporary boost. If you desire long-lasting enhancement, then fat transfer or lip implants will afford the enduring results you desire.
Lip Augmentation Options
- Injectable Fillers (hyaluronic acid gel)
- Fat Transfer
- Permanent Silicone Lip Implants
Details on Dermal Fillers
Our enticing line of Injectable Fillers can add supple volume to the skin, including your lips. Lip fillers are a temporary look so you can experiment with different volumes over time. Best of all, there’s no long term commitment. You can add a playful plump and, in some cases, remove it the next day. A brief office visit will have you looking beautiful in half an hour or less.

Add balance to your face and volume to your expressiveness. With an enhanced set of ample lips, you can blow a kiss to the entire world! Full lips can take years off your appearance. As you get older, your lips (and other facial features) begin to lose definition. Your lips may look thin and deflated as your aging skin sheds collagen and loses elasticity.[2]
Boost your confidence while adding sexiness to your smile. Fuller, sexier lips also add more symmetry to the facial features
Who Is a Good Candidate for Lip Augmentation?
- Women and men
- Age 30 to 65 (or older if you are healthy)
- Non-smokers
- Generally in good health
- Desires full, more youthful lips
Your Private Consultation at Southern Surgical Arts
Southern Surgical Arts (SSA) is an aesthetic practice led by a team of dedicated doctors who wish to sow the seeds of beauty across the South. We are led by Dr. Chad Deal, our Chief Surgical Officer, who is joined by his prodigious partners in cosmetics: Dr. Daniel Barker and Dr. Vincent Gardner. Together, they make Southern Surgical Arts the premier plastic surgery practice south of the Mason–Dixon line. Each of them does their part to execute SSA’s mission of artfully customized patient care.
Contact us to fulfill your vision of lush, full lips. Call our office at (888) 988-5682. We now offer Virtual Consultations as well.
Filler Options for Lips
Your lip augmentation may be temporary or long-lasting. The choice is up to you. Explore your options and weigh the data so that you can make an informed decision about your appearance.

Juvéderm is a gel filler made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally-occurring substance in your skin that helps to add volume and hydration. It is injected into the lips to instantly restore fullness. The look and feel are so natural that people will definitely notice, but no one will know! Juvéderm injectable gel is the first FDA-approved hyaluronic acid dermal filler that is proven to be safe and effective.
Fat Transfer

Fat Transfer is another option for lip augmentation. This is a minor surgical procedure that is typically performed in conjunction with fat transfer to the rest of the face (cheeks, tear troughs, brows). Fat transfer is an excellent choice, but less popular than the synthetic filler as above.
Lip Implants

While traditional types of lip augmentation procedures such as injectable fillers or fat transfer can have their advantages, many patients would like a permanent alternative. Lip implants can give your lips a fuller, natural-looking contour with a minimized risk of significant movement restriction.[3] PermaLip, or Perma Facial Implant, is an FDA-approved treatment made of soft, solid silicone that is designed to give you permanent lip enhancement with natural-looking results. The procedure is also reversible, and it does not involve periodic injections and “touch-up” sessions to keep the results going.
SSA is happy to add PermaLip to our list of advanced cosmetic enhancement options to help you meet your goals.
Aftercare Instruction
The specifics of your aftercare protocol will be imparted to you by the doctor attending to your procedure. Even so, there are some general guidelines to keep in mind as you bounce back to a fuller life with fuller lips. On the whole, lip augmentation is a safe and simple procedure with little to no downtime.
Apply Ice
Tenderness and swelling will be at their peak immediately following your procedure. To keep these side effects under control, apply ice or a cold compress to the affected area. Any initial swelling you experience will not be reflected in your final results.
Avoid Exercise
We strongly recommend that you avoid strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours after your procedure. A raised heart rate and increased blood flow may have an impact on the look of your lips.
Postpone Air Travel
Exposing yourself to the pressurized cabin of an airplane will strain the delicate web of veins and capillaries that reside in the lips. Some skyscrapers and subway tunnels may also have a pressurized synthetic atmosphere, as well.
Bountiful Results
In many cases, the results of your lip augmentation are almost immediate. In the more involved varieties of the procedure, you may have to wait up to a week for the swelling to go down. Lip filler is temporary, but it can remain full in the lips for a number of months. The injectable is gradually broken down by the body and absorbed. In the case of fat transfer or implants, your bountiful results will be long-lasting.
How Much Does Lip Augmentation Cost in Tennessee?
Since there are several varieties of lip augmentation and an even greater variety of lips, lip augmentation is a highly personalized procedure. At your personal consultation, your SSA doctor will assess the specifics of your case. At such time, it will be most prudent to present your accurate cost estimate.
Our financing partners offer payment plans to make aesthetic perfection an affordable proposition. Our frequent specials provide even greater opportunities to save.
Amplify Your Kisses with Lip Augmentation
Kiss thin lips goodbye at Southern Surgical Arts. SSA wants to help you to look your voluptuous best. So, read our lips: you can amplify your kisses with lip augmentation at the best little aesthetic practice in the South.
What is the most attractive lip shape?
Science has documented this. A new study published in the Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery has revealed what people consider the most attractive lip shape. The survey polled over 1,000 people in 35 countries. Of those polled, 60% said they found a symmetrical, 1:1 top to bottom ratio the most attractive lip. Many celebrities like Scarlett Johansson have recently elevated the popularity of the balanced look, but the allure of facial symmetry goes back much farther than that. Ancient sculptures understood the instinctual human attraction to beauty and symmetry.
Does drinking water help lip fillers?
Moist skin is full and plump. Keeping your skin healthy and moisturized can help maintain your treatment results. So, stay hydrated (sound advice no matter the surgical circumstances). Also, keep in mind that hyaluronic acid-based fillers retain water to help the skin look full and fresh. Drinking plenty of water after lip augmentation will help your results reach their plump potential.
- Heidekrueger, P. I., Juran, S., Szpalski, C., Larcher, L., Ng, R., & Broer, P. N. (2017). The current preferred female lip ratio. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 45(5), 655–660. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2017.01.038
- Cotofana, S., Pretterklieber, B., Lucius, R., Frank, K., Haas, M., Schenck, T. L., … Pretterklieber, M. (2017). Distribution Pattern of the Superior and Inferior Labial Arteries. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 139(5), 1075–1082. doi: 10.1097/prs.0000000000003244
- Kane, M. A. C., Lorenc, Z. P., Lin, X., & Smith, S. R. (2012). Validation of a Lip Fullness Scale for Assessment of Lip Augmentation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 129(5). doi: 10.1097/prs.0b013e31824a2df0