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Our Most Popular Articles: Best Blog Posts of 2016

We love looking back at the previous year to see which blog articles resonated most for our readers. Not only do we enjoy seeing which were our “greatest hits,” it also helps us to determine what our readers are most interested in going forward. Check out our list of the 5 most popular blog articles in 2016.

1. Beauty on a Budget: All Under $300

In an ideal world, we’d always have the money we want for the things we want when we want them! Since that almost never happens in “real life,” this blog article helps to highlight a few of the biggest bargains that will give you the most bang for your beauty buck.

2. Revolutionizing Fat Reduction: SculpSure Comes to SSA

SculpSure is such an exciting treatment option that we just can’t stop talking about…and it seems, our blog visitors just can’t stop reading about it. This post discussing Sculpsure explains the ins-and-outs of this revolutionary hyperthemic laser fat reduction procedure, and how you can drop a dress size or two with no discomfort and no downtime.

3. Introducing Our New Aesthetician, Neko Shae

The only thing we love more than introducing a new treatment option on this blog is introducing a new staff member. And based on the number of clicks this post introducing our new aesthetician got, our readers share our enthusiasm. If you haven’t met Neko Shae yet, be sure to check out this article, then drop by our medspa to meet her in person (while pampering yourself with the treatment of your choice, of course!)

4. Introducing Dr. Vincent Gardner

As many patients of Southern Surgical Arts and The Vein Institute already know, Dr. Vincent Gardner joined the SSA family officially this year, and has been making a big positive impact on our patients lives from day one. Whether he is performing a cosmetic surgery procedure or furthering the modern treatment of venous disease, Dr. Gardner is committed to improving patient health, comfort, and confidence. We are so fortunate to have Dr. Gardner on staff!

5. 4 Ways to Supercharge Your Skin Care

In this popular post from last year, our aesthetician Tammy Capel shared 4 of her best tips for boosting your skin care regimen to get the most beautiful, glowing skin possible. Whether you’re battling dryness, dullness, or simply want to ward off sun damage, this post will help you maximize your skin care routine for the best results.

Any topics you want us to tackle in future blogs? Please leave us a comment below!

Thanks for a great 2016! We hope to bring you many fun, informative blog posts in 2017.