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Introducing VASERlipo at Southern Surgical Arts

At Southern Surgical Arts, we love to bring the latest and greatest technology to our patients. Implementing cutting-edge technology allows us to provide our patients with the safest experience possible, as well as optimal results.

To that end, we are constantly adding new tools, instruments and techniques to our repertoire. Now we’re happy to introduce the newest addition to our practice: VASERlipo®!

While we also offer other, excellent options in liposuction techniques at Southern Surgical Arts, we are excited about VASERlipo because of the unique and groundbreaking applications it brings to liposuction.

What is so special about VASERlipo?
VASERlipo is unique among other liposuction procedures due to the surgeon’s ability to use it to “sculpt” definition into targeted areas. For example, a qualified cosmetic surgeon will be able to reveal six pack abs by targeting areas along the underlying muscles, making deeper grooves to showcase definition in the surrounding tissues, or replacing fat to add volume and create contrast where needed.

This kind of “high definition” procedure is an excellent choice for those who spend a lot of time at the gym, but haven’t been able to reveal the definition they’ve achieved due to stubborn layers of exercise-resistant fat. While other liposuction procedures remove deep fat and reshape the body VASERlipo is one of a kind in allowing the surgeon to also precisely sculpt your physique.

How it’s done
Using VASERlipo technology, a qualified cosmetic surgeon utilizes ultrasound waves to break up targeted areas of fat, causing very little disruption to the skin and little to no damage to surrounding tissues. The fat is then removed through thin cannulas inserted into tiny incisions. Scarring will be virtually undetectable because the incisions are so small, and strategically placed to be as hidden as possible.

As the body heals in the following weeks, the skin will retract and tighten, leaving the patient with a smooth and/or precisely contoured surface and naturally beautiful results. Patients generally see improvement in the treated areas immediately, with final results visible in three to four months.

Recovery time is dependent on the number of areas treated, but patients are usually able to resume normal activities in one to two weeks.

Along with revealing abs and pecs, VASERlipo is also an excellent option for the most common areas treated by lipo: hips, thighs, arms, love handles, and buttocks. However, thanks to its state of the art, precise technology, it is also an appropriate choice for the neck and jaw area, and knees.

If you are interested in learning more about what VASERlipo can do to help you achieve a more sculpted body, please call Southern Surgical Arts at 423-266-3331for a free personal consultation. Our board-certified, award-winning cosmetic surgeons, Dr. Chad Deal and Dr. Carey Nease, welcome your questions about this exciting technology.