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How SSA Helped Stacy Pope Live a Healthier Life

Patient Interview: Stacy Pope

At Southern Surgical Arts (SSA), we know that deciding to have a cosmetic procedure and choosing the right surgeon are major decisions that our patients do not take lightly. Sometimes it is very helpful to hear directly from others patients who had to make those decisions, and learn about their experiences.

One of our patients, Stacy Pope, recently shared her thoughts with us on her procedure. Keep reading to see what she has to say about her SSA experience!

1. How did you come to choose Southern Surgical Arts?
I had a friend that had surgery with Dr. Nease and she highly recommended Southern Surgical Arts. I also did a lot of research on the internet. The website had more reviews and more photos in the gallery to show before and after results. So everything I was reading and seeing was positive. When I finally got the nerve to go to my first consultation I talked to Dr. Deal.

2. What were your first impressions about the practice and Dr. Deal specifically?
I am a very shy person and Dr. Deal was understanding of that. He talked to me calmly like he truly cared about what my issues were. So I felt comfortable opening up about my problems. When he was looking at my body that I was so ashamed of, he did not make me feel embarrassed. He was so nice, as was the office staff. I also liked the fact that while kind, he was also very blunt and honest with me. He told me I had to lose weight before I got my surgery because of the underlying belly fat. I was glad to see he was looking out for my well-being and my overall procedure.

3. What procedure did you have initially?
I had a full tummy tuck and liposuction on my back, sides, under my arms, around my breast, and my belly.

4. How did Dr. Deal inspire you to make healthy changes?
Before the surgery he just made me wake up and see that I was not as healthy as I needed to be. When he challenged me to lose weight, I saw the progress I made on my own, and then after the surgery I saw the great results that made me want to shape the other parts of my body as well. The last time I saw him we talked about the weight I had continued to lose post-surgery that had resulted in excess skin. He told me that if I lost 10 more pounds, he would help me get rid of that extra loose skin. So again he challenged me, and I lost even more and toned more.

5. What are some of the lifestyle changes that you made to achieve your goal?
We used to eat a lot of fried foods and some type of meat with every meal. We hardly ever ate vegetables. Pasta was always a big dinner at our house, and I loved Little Debbie Cakes, ice cream, Mountain Dew Code Red and sweet tea. Now we eat grilled or baked chicken, lots of asparagus, cauliflower, green beans, and good vegetables. Instead of Mountain Dew, I now drink mostly water.
As for exercise, that one was simple: I just started exercising. We went from not doing any exercise to doing thirty minutes to an hour of hard cardio and lifting weights. We walk/run 2 miles in thirty to forty-five minutes a day. Then we switch it up on other exercises; we might not do weights one day and do squats, planks, etc. instead, or the other way around.

6. What procedure will you be having in July?
I will be having that excess skin removed and I have a hernia in my belly that he is going to repair.

7. Are there any thoughts or pieces of advice you’d like to share with people who want to make a healthy change but haven’t yet found their motivation?
This one is a hard one because I truly believe you have to want it for yourself badly enough to make the changes. I have always had low self-esteem, which I believe is the reason I was always depressed and had anxiety. Now that I have had the surgery, my depression is not that bad and I have not had an anxiety attack in a long time. I feel so much better about myself that I am able to do things in life I would never do before. And I can say I am truly happier now.