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Get Great Skin…4 Ways to Do It!

At Southern Surgical Arts, we offer a wide variety of treatments and procedures, both surgical and non-surgical. From Botox to Brazilian Butt Lifts and everything in between, we have a treatment or procedure to address just about every issue you might like to improve.

This is definitely true in our Medspa, where our talented, trained aestheticians can recommend a variety of treatments to help you get more beautiful, youthful looking skin. Recently we asked them to recommend four treatments that provide great results but that don’t always get the attention they deserve. Keep reading for their recommendations…

Jessner Peels. We love the Jessner Peel because it gently but thoroughly removes the rough, uneven, and dull surface layers of skin. It’s also effective at improving a variety of skin problems such as hyper-pigmentation and sun spots and mild to moderate acne. A Jessner Peel can also smooth fine to moderate lines and open clogged pores. Best of all, it’s not just for your face! We can also treat your hands, neck, and chest—anywhere your skin needs a beautifying boost.

Weekly Vibraderm/Microderm treatments. We love vibraderm and microderm not only because they are non-invasive, but because of the beautifying benefits they provide in a short treatment time. Although they are very effective, they are also gentle enough to repeat weekly, allowing us to help you stay on top of your skin concerns. With microderm, patients will see improvements to mild scarring, fine lines, sun spots and hyper-pigmentation, and a reduction in pore size. Microderm also stimulates collagen production, making skin appear firmer and smoother.

During a vibraderm treatment, rapidly vibrating paddles are moved across your skin to exfoliate dull skin cells, revealing fresh new skin underneath. Collagen and elastin are produced, improving the texture and tone of your skin. This translates into improved scarring, minimized fine lines, and brightening of your complexion.

Monthly Nano peels. For visibly improved, radiant skin, a monthly Sciton NanoLaserPeel may be just the ticket. Using laser energy, dull surface skin is precisely removed, triggering your body’s healing defenses. A NanoLaserPeel penetrates your skin more deeply than a Jessner Peel, but is still gentle enough for those with sensitive skin. We love the NanoLaserPeel for treating fine lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, sun spots and texture problems on the face and hands.

Exilis. Who wouldn’t like a little fat reduction and skin tightening? We all have spots we’d like to trim or smooth, especially the abdomen, hips, and thighs. An Exilis treatment uses radiofrequency energy to liquefy fat pockets deep beneath the skin while also stimulating collage production. Bulges are reduced in size, while the skin surface tightens. Bonus benefit—when used on the thighs, the appearance of cellulite is improved!

If you’d like to experience the benefits of one of our favorite spa treatments, please give us a call at 423-266-3331 to set up an appointment. Our aestheticians would be happy to discuss these options and more to help you set up a personalized treatment plan for more beautiful skin.