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Dramatically Tighter, Firmer Skin Without Surgery with Ultherapy

At Southern Surgical Arts, we frequently see patients who desire tighter, more youthful looking skin on their faces—especially around the forehead, chin and neck areas. Patients also ask us to help with sagging, loose skin on their neck and décolletage. Many of these patients aren’t ready for a surgical intervention or don’t wish to commit to the downtime that surgery would entail.

Until recently, there was no FDA-cleared technology for a non-surgical lift or tightening procedure. But now there is, and Southern Surgical Arts has it!

Introducing Ultherapy

If you are interested in a non-surgical treatment for tightening sagging, lax skin, Ultherapy may be just the solution for you.

Ultherapy is the only non-invasive technology approved by the FDA to lift and tighten skin on the face, neck and chest. No needles. No stitches. And no recovery time.

Ultherapy uses ultrasound imaging to allow your cosmetic surgeon to visualize specific layers of tissue so he can concentrate the sound energy on the areas where it is most needed. The ultrasound energy stimulates collagen regeneration at a very deep level. Collagen is the main structural protein in the skin and is responsible for giving the skin its strength, structure and firmness. As your body begins to produce more collagen, your skin will look significantly firmer, tighter, and more radiant.

Depending on the area you are having treated, an Ultherapy session can take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. Only one treatment session is necessary. You will not have to take any time off from work and can resume normal activities immediately. The only sensation you may experience during the procedure may be a feeling of warmth and brief flushing of the skin. Afterwards you may experience mild discomfort for a few hours.

The final results of Ultherapy will be visible in 2-3 months, once your body has had time to make sufficient new collagen.

Best of all, Ultherapy is safe. Ultrasound technology has been safely used in the medical industry for half a century. As always, you will want to use a skilled, board-certified cosmetic surgeon to get the best results.

If you have mild to moderate sagging skin under your chin, on your neck or chest, around your jawline, or drooping brows, you may be a good candidate for Ultherapy. Please contact Southern Surgical Arts at 423-266-3331 to schedule a FREE personal consultation with Dr. Carey Nease or Dr. Chad Deal. We look forward to sharing more information.