
Please call us at (888) 988-5682, or choose your service preference button below and fill in the form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Disclaimer* Please note that filling out the form completely and including photos may result in a faster response time and a customized preliminary quote!

    Carey Miller, MSN, NP-C (LIFE Wellness)
    Chattanooga, TNOoltewah, TNBlue Ridge, GACalhoun, GAInman Park, GASandy Springs, GA

    Please use the "choose file" buttons below to upload photos to send to us.

    • Use a solid background.
    • Take photos of the affected area from different angles.
    • Images MUST be smaller than 6mb each
    • Filetypes accepted are jpg, jpeg, png, and gif.

    Very large images may take up 5 minutes to upload. Please be patient and wait till loading has finished before navigating away from this page.

    Breast EnhancementFace & NeckRhinoplastyBody & AbdomenBelow-The-WaistInjectablesMedSpa
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      Choose For MeDr. Deal - (DRHIDEF)Dr. GardnerDr. SummersDr. Ray - (MCDREAMYHIDEF)Dr. Jeri MasonDr. Barker
      Carey Miller, MSN, NP-C (LIFE Wellness)
      Chattanooga, TNCalhoun, GA

      DiabetesBlood ClotsCancerHeart DiseaseOrgan TransplantsOtherNone

      Please use the "choose file" buttons below to upload photos to send to us.

      • Use a solid background.
      • Take photos of the affected area from different angles.
      • Images MUST be smaller than 6mb each
      • Filetypes accepted are jpg, jpeg, png, and gif.

      Very large images may take up 5 minutes to upload. Please be patient and wait till loading has finished before navigating away from this page.

      Breast EnhancementFace & NeckRhinoplastyBody & AbdomenBelow-The-WaistInjectablesMedSpa
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      Our Offices

      Chattanooga, TN

      Phone: (888) 988-5682

      1405 Cowart St #201, Chattanooga, TN 37408


      Ooltewah, TN

      Phone: (888) 988-5682

      6053 Artesian Cir, Ooltewah, TN 37363


      Atlanta, GA

      Phone: (888) 988-5682

      6115 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd Suite 125, Sandy Springs, GA 30328


      Blue Ridge, GA

      Phone: (888) 988-5682

      59 McKinney Rd, Blue Ridge, GA 30513


      Calhoun, GA

      Phone: (888) 988-5682

      120 Cornerstone Way #3, Calhoun, GA 30701