Facial Rejuvenation is becoming more popular within the United States, including the younger population. With laser technology and affordable injectable treatments, patients in their 20s, 30s and 40s are looking and feeling five to 10 years younger. At Southern Surgical Arts, we offer the latest technology and techniques to help achieve a patient’s facial rejuvenation goals.
There are many different options for facial rejuvenation. Dr. Deal and Dr. Nease at Southern Surgical Arts tailor each treatment to the patient’s goals. One example is the Liquid Face Lift that can includes several injectables. It often includes Botox or Dysport paired with fillers such as Radiesse, Sculptra, Perlane, and Juvederm. “When all you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail,” said Dr. Deal. “With the plethora of injectables and fillers we offer our patients more than just one vendor’s products, and we make sure the patient has a treatment plan that is customized for their needs.” The ideal candidate is a woman or man ranging from his or her 20s to 50s.
The Laser Face Lift is for the patient that is not yet ready for a Cosmetic Face Lift; but desires an overall rejuvenated look. It often includes treatment with one of our fractionated lasers, the Sciton Profractional or the Affirm CO2, along with SmartLipo, injectables and fillers. The ideal candidate is usually in his or her 40s or early 50s. Patients from Chattanooga and North Georgia don’t often realize that Dr. Nease pioneered the Laser Facelift. In fact, he has taught physicians from around the world how to perform the procedure.
Do you look in the mirror and want to minimize wrinkles, deep folds or sun damage? If so, we invite you in for a complimentary consultation with one of our Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeons. Call today at 423-266-3331 or 706-629-8622.
Below is an actual patient of Southern Surgical Art. Procedures included Chin implant, Smartlipo to the neck, and the Affirm CO2 to face.