Botox® are fillers that you’ve probably heard of that help provide quick facial rejuvenation. But what about the product Sculptra? This injectable stimulates your own collagen development in targeted facial areas to rejuvenate and restore volume for youthful, smooth contours without surgery. Over the course of three treatments, spaced by about 6 weeks, patients can achieve long lasting, natural results. Sculptra is a safe alternative to surgery and requires little time in our office and essentially no down time!
At Southern Surgical Arts, Sculptra is not a new product. “We’ve used Sculptra for over 4 years,” said Dr. Nease. “It’s amazing to me that a product that has such value for a subset of my patients is just now getting attention in the public.”
To help educate our patients about Sculptra, we are hosting an Educational Seminar at our new office in Chattanooga. Patients interested in learning about this product and if he/she is a candidate, are invited to the event.
Date: Friday, September 23rd
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Where: Southern Surgical Arts Chattanooga office located at One North Shore
RSVP: [email protected] or call 423-266-3331
LUNCH PROVIDED and patients will receive a 20% discount when they sign up for three treatments the day of the event.